Course curriculum

  • 01

    Live Lesson & Daily Attendance

    • Online Netiquette

    • Live Lesson

    • Daily Attendance

  • 02

    Welcome to the Course

    • Course Detail

    • Country Report Guideline

    • Course Schedule

    • List of Participants

    • Question: 3 Challenges in Leadership

    • List of Presenter - Action Plan

  • 03


    • Part 1: Understanding 21st Century Leadership

    • Activity 1 - Self Reflection

    • Self Reflection submission

    • Part 2: Communication and Collaboration

    • Action Plan

    • Action Plan Template

    • Part 3.1: Strategic Thinking and Decision Making

    • Part 3.2 : Decision Making and Problem Solving skills

    • Part 4 : Innovation and Change Management

    • Part 5: Leadership Development and Future Trends in TVET

  • 04

    Country Report

    • Country Report Submission

    • Brunei Darussalam - Politeknik Brunei

    • Brunei Darussalam - IBTE

    • Brunei Darussalam - UTB

    • Indonesia - Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

    • Lao PDR

    • Malaysia

    • Singapore

    • Phillippines

    • Thailand

    • Vietnam

  • 05

    Group Work Submission

    • Group Work Submission

    • Action Plan Submission

  • 06


    • Instructor and Content Delivery

    • Online Facility, General Satisfaction, Comments and Suggestions