
  • Didactical Approaches

    Learner-centered methods

    Self-reliant learning

    Project-based learning

    Problem-based learning

    Action-oriented teaching approach

  • Duration

    5-days virtual training between

    18 - 20, 25-26 July 2022

  • Target Group

    TVET Teachers, Instructors, Trainers as well as Managers.

    Technical background in manufacturing, mechanical, processing, and electrical fields preferred.

    At least 2 years working experience in TVET or relevant industrial experience.

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Module 0 - Action-Oriented Learning and Teaching (AOLT)

    • Overview for the Regional Training of Multipliers "Fit for Industry 4.0"

    • Training Structure and Schedules

    • How to use this course

  • 02

    Day 1 (18 Jul, Mon): The Action Oriented Learning and Learn & Work Assignment (LWA)

    • [LIVE] Action-Oriented Learning and Teaching | Meeting Password 730364

    • Introduction to the course Dr. Paryono

    • VDO Welcome and Introduction Module 0 by Dr. Paryono

    • Learning Theories & Student-Centred Learning

    • Assignment for Learning Theories and Learner-centred in PPT format

    • Submission your assignment for Learning Theories & Student-Centred Learning

    • Day 1: 0.1 The Action-Oriented Learning and Learning Circle - Presentation (gsp)

    • Day 1: 0.1 Action-Oriented Learning VIDEO (gsp)

    • Day 1: 0.1 a Key Paper on Learning & Learn and Work Assignments (LWAs)

    • Day 1: 0.2 What are LWAs - Presentation (gsp)

    • Day 1: 0.2b LWA Design - Explanation

    • Day 1: 0.2a Assignment (gsp)

    • Submission your assignment for Design of LWA

  • 03

    Day 2 (19 Jul, Tue): LWA Development

    • [LIVE] Action-Oriented Learning and Teaching | Meeting Password 730364

    • Reflection Day 1 - Learning Theories & AOLT

    • Result of Reflection Day 1 - 18 Jul 2022

    • Development of Closed Learn and Work Assignment (LWA)

    • Submission Your Assignment: Develop a Closed Learn and Work Assignment (LWA)

  • 04

    Day 3 (20 Jul, Wed): Problem Based Learning

    • [LIVE] Action-Oriented Learning and Teaching | Meeting Password 730364

    • The Day 3 Summary

    • Reflection Day 2 - LWA Development

    • Group Work: What say you?

    • Group Work Name List - "What say you"

    • Task: Deciding Curriculum Content for Problem Based Learning

    • Further Reading - Understanding PBL, Terry Barret-Educational Development, University College Dublin

    • Further Reading - PBL Student/Tutor Handbook, Queen's University

    • Presentation Day 3-Introduction to PBL and SCL Curriculum Structure

    • Results of Reflection Day 2

  • 05

    Day 4 (25 Jul, Mon): Problem Crafting

    • The Summary of Day 4

    • [LIVE] Action-Oriented Learning and Teaching | Meeting Password 730364

    • Reflection Day 3 - PBL and Deciding Curriculum for SCL

    • Task - Problem Crafting

    • Presentation and Review of Problem Statement

    • Further Reading - Crafting Effective Problems for PBL

    • Further Reading - Crafting Engineering Problems for PBL Curriculum

    • Presentation Slides Day 4 - Problem Crafting

    • Results of Reflection Day 3 - 25 Jul 2022

    • Problem Statement Presentation and Review by PSRT

  • 06

    Day 5 (26 Jul, Tue): Project Based Learning

    • [LIVE] Action-Oriented Learning and Teaching | Meeting Password 730364

    • Further Reading - Project based Learning

    • Day 5: 0.2 What are LWA

    • Day 5: 0.3 Project Based Learning - Planning steps and work with projects (gsp)

    • Day 5: 0.3a Paper Didactic Concept COBOT

    • Day 5: 0.4 Assignment - Planning for Project Based Learning

    • Day 5: 0.4 Assingnment - Instructions for the project

    • Day 5: 10 Project Checklist Final

    • Presentation Slides - Introduction to Project Based Learning (PoBL)

    • Results of Reflection Day 4 - 26 Jul 2022

  • 07

    Course Evaluation

    • Your feedback is valuable...

    • Dr. Paryono: Instructor and Content Delivery

    • Prof. Dr. Georg Spöttl: Instructor and Content Delivery

    • Mrs. Nabilah Abdullah: Instructor and Content Delivery

    • Mr. Ngan Cheng Hwa: Instructor and Content Delivery

    • Online Platform and Collaboration, General Satisfaction, Comments and Suggestions

Learning Outcomes

These action-oriented learning approaches will be integrated in all training deliveries. At the end of the training, the participants will be able to:

  • Describe the process of the development of Learn and Work Assignments (LWAs)

  • Define of example LWS

  • Structure LWAs by following different competence levels

  • Explain different didactical approaches to support competence development in relation to the requirements

  • Elaborate and demonstrate how to use different didactical approaches that enable students and apprentices to work freely, self-reliantly and be problem-oriented

  • Facilitate the development of specific technical skills needed for handling of the different digital media and instruments

  • Make use of soft skills needed for a digitalized world, especially competence in networking and communication

  • Deal with stress tolerance, flexibility, absolute knowledge of the industry, keeping updated, language skills

  • Plan and deliver lessons by using innovative teaching methods/technology such as simulation, role-playing, portfolio development and problem-based learning (PBL) etc.

  • Assess students’ performance in the era of a digitalized world

Meet your Instructors

Dr. Paryono has been working in the area of TVET for more than 30 years. Currently, he is the Deputy Director for Professional Affairs and the Research Manager and Specialist at the Regional Centre for Vocational and Technical Education and Training under the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO VOCTECH) in Brunei Darussalam. At SEAMEO VOCTECH, he oversees training programmes for TVET personnel in the region covering 11 SEAMEO member countries. In addition, he is the research manager for the Centre. Dr. Paryono holds a Ph.D. degree for a dual title in Workforce Education and Development and Comparative International Education from Pennsylvania State University, master’s degree in Continuing and Vocational Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering Education from the State University of Malang Indonesia. In addition, he received an honorary doctorate degree from Rajamanggala University of Technology of Thailand in 2017. His research and publications focus on TVET qualification frameworks and quality assurance, ICT in education, skills development, integration of transversal skills, education for sustainable development, teacher standards, and preparing TVET for industry requirements. He has published research articles in various journals and presented papers in many international conferences. He is also a trainer and facilitator in various areas of TVET including research methodology, impact assessment, measuring return on training investment, curriculum development and evaluation, pedagogy and assessment. In the past few years, he has been involved in various fora, seminars, and research activities to discuss industry 4.0 and its impacts on workforce education and development. He has offered consultancy services on TVET system in Southeast Asia, development of TVET teacher competencies, labour mobility in ASEAN, and research methodologies.

Dr. Paryono

Deputy Director Professional Affairs/ Research & Development Manager, SEAMEO VOCTECH

Meet your Instructors

Georg Spöttl; Prof. Dr.; Dr. h.c; Dipl.-Ing.; M.A. Mr. Georg Spöttl is Emeritus from a Full Professorship at the University of Bremen (Until 2015). He was the Chairman of the Department Work-Processes and TVET and Director and Board Member of the Institute for Technological Education (ITB). Formerly he was Full Professor at “biat”, the University of Flensburg, Germany. Currently, Georg Spöttl is the Director of the Steinbeis Center InnoVet and Honorary President of the TVET Research Community in Germany (GTW). He is a Member of the UNESCO working group “World Thought Leaders within the 4th Industrial Revolution” and a Board Member of “The New York Academy of Science”. For more than 20 years he was a Visiting Professor at UTHM in Malaysia. His areas of special interest are curriculum development for industry 4.0, qualification research, didactics and TVET teacher training. His basic background is an apprenticeship in automotive mechanics.

Prof Dr Georg Spoettl

Senior Instructor


Instructor Bio:

Ngan Cheng Hwa has worked for the German-Malaysian Institute (GMI) a premium technical education & vocational training (TEVT) institution for 27 years (1994-2021) and he was the former Deputy Managing Director for Education & Training.

Ngan earned both his Master of Education (Technical Education & Vocational Training and Bachelor of Technology with Education (Electrical Engineering) from the University Technology of Malaysia.

Ngan has worked as an expert/senior consultant, and learning facilitator since 2021 for the Regional Cooperation Programme for the Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in ASEAN (RECOTVET), GIZ on Professional Development Training for TVET Teachers In Industry 4.0, Advisory Skills for Change Agents in Digital Transformation and Hybrid Regional Master Trainer Training & Upskilling.

Although he enjoys teaching, he is also a TEVT expert and practitioner primarily in the areas of curriculum development, teacher training, and blended learning methodology for student-centred learning incorporating problem-project-production based learning for the development of holistic TEVT graduates with 21st-century skills.

Ngan Cheng Hwa

Senior Consultant/Learning Facilitator


Instructor Bio:

Nabilah Ooi Abdullah has more than thirty-five years of experience in the education and training field. She has conducted Train-the-Trainer and curriculum development courses for trainers from training centers and industries both locally and abroad and is also an active facilitator for the development of standards and occupational framework for the Department of Skills Development, Malaysia. Her passion and belief in learner-centered learning and engagement is reflected in the action-oriented and fun approach applied in the courses and workshops she facilitates.

In line with the quotation “Gaining knowledge is the first step to wisdom, sharing it is the first step to humanity”, Nabilah has also shared her experience as a panel expert in developing guidelines and code of practice for teacher training, curriculum development, assessment and quality assurance in TVET implementation.

Nabilah Ooi Abdullah

Learning Facilitator