
  • Didactical Approaches

    Learner-centered methods: group work, problem-based learning, case study analysis and show & share sessions.

  • Duration

    [Batch 1] Online training (self-paced learning and live sessions with trainers) on 1-31 July 2022 and on-site training in Thailand on 8-12 August 2022. [Batch 2 - to be announced]

  • Target Groups

    TVET Teachers, in-company trainers, as well as personnel from TVET and businesses in ASEAN countries who are involved in organizational digital transformation journeys.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the training, the participants will be able to:

  • Analyse the organizations’ requirements, existing resources and their ability for digital transformation needs

  • Demonstrate personal/human skills

  • Demonstrate advisory and communication skills

  • Establish linkages between TVET and industry sector

  • Establish digital transformation strategy plan

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to the Advisory Skills in Digital Transformation Course

    • Welcome Messages from the Facilitators

    • Programme Overview

    • Training Structure and Schedules

    • How to use this course

  • 02

    Day 1 (1 Jul, Fri) - Organizational DX Roadmap

    • Introduction to Advisory Skills in Digital Transformation Training Course

    • The Day 1 Summary

    • A Short Survey on Your Opinions and Thoughts

    • A Short Survey on Your Opinions and Thoughts on DX - Responses

    • The DX Journey

    • PBL 1 - The Problem with Digital Transformation

    • Testing

    • Presentation Slides Day 1-Overview of Training Structure & Introduction to DX

    • Reflection Day 1 - Participants' Responses

  • 03

    Day 2 (7 Jul, Thu): Digital Transformation & Technology Needs Assessment

    • The Day 2 Summary

    • What is Digital Transformation (DX)?

    • Group Name List and Presentation Schedule

    • [LIVE] Digital Transformation & Digital Technology Needs Assessment

    • Reflection Day 2 - DX & Digital Technology Needs Assessment and Day 3 - DX Framework & Requirements

    • PBL 2 - Group Name List & Presentation Schedule on 14 Jul 2022

    • DX Definition Group Presentation & Assessment

    • List of Definition for Digital Transformation

    • PBL 2 – Digital Technologies Needs Assessment

    • Further Reading: Assessment Experience in Digital Technology in Education

    • Master Checklist Scaling Up Online Learning-Jisc

    • Recording of Day 2 Live Session

    • Presentation Slides Day 2 - Digital Transformation & Digital Technology Needs Assessment

  • 04

    Day 3 (8 Jul, Fri): DX Framework & Requirements and Strategy

    • The Day 3 Summary

    • [LIVE] DX Framework & Requirements (Meeting Passcode: 425531)

    • PBL 3 - Group Name List & Presentation Schedule (14 Jul, 02.30 pm)

    • PBL 3 - DX Framework & Requirements and Strategy

    • Further Reading 1: Action Fields of Digital Transformation - A Review and Comparative Analysis of Digital Transformation Maturity Models and Frameworks

    • Further Reading 2: Part 2: The Top 5 Digital Transformation Frameworks

    • Further Reading 3: A roadmap for digital transformation

    • Further Reading 4: The 2021 Digital Transformation Report

    • Further Reading 5: Findings from The 2015 Digital Business Global Executive Study and Research Project, “Strategy, not Technology, Drives Digital Transformation”

    • Good to Know

    • Recording of Day 3 Live Session

    • Presentation Slides Day 3 - Digital Transformation Framework & Requirements. and Digital Transformation Strategy.

    • Reflection Day 2 and 3 - Responses

  • 05

    Day 4 (14 Jul, Thu): DX Technologies

    • The Day 4 Summary

    • [LIVE] Group Presentation PBL 2 and PBL 3 (Meeting Passcode: 961412)

    • Reflection Day 2-DX & Digital Technology Needs Assessment and Day 3-DX Framework & Requirements

    • PBL 2-Group Presentation & Assessment - Peer-to-Peer

    • PBL 4 - Digital Technologies (Group Work Participants List)

    • PBL 4 - DX Technologies - Google Classroom (Group 1)

    • PBL 4 - DX Technologies - Thinkific (Group 3 and 5)

    • PBL 4 - DX Technologies - Edmodo (Group 2 and 4)

    • Online Learning Instructional Design Template

    • Master Checklist Scaling Up Online Learning Institutional-Jisc

    • Internet of Things Examples You Should Know

    • 10 Most Advanced AI Robots in the World

    • Recording of Day 4 Live Session

    • Presentation Slides Day 4 - Digital Technologies

  • 06

    Day 5 (15 Jul, Fri): Change Management

    • The Day 5 Summary

    • What is Change Management?

    • Task 1: Your Personal Experience with Change

    • Task 2: Case Study - A Matter of Change

    • Task 3: Different Consultancy Approaches

    • Task 4: The Roles of a Change Agent

    • Further Reading: Change Management Strategy - What's That?

    • [LIVE] Skills for Change Agents (Meeting Passcode: 535652)

    • Recording of Day 5 Live Session

    • Feedback Day 5

  • 07

    Day 6 (21 Jul, Thu): Critical Thinking & Complex Problem-Solving

    • The Day 6 Summary

    • Task 1. Review of Problem Statement

    • Task 2: Critical Thinking

    • Task 3: Systemic Questions

    • [LIVE] Change Management - Critical Thinking - Systemic Questions (Meeting Passcode: 705847)

    • Feedback Day 6

    • Presentation Day 6

    • How Critical Thinking Can Change the Game

    • Recording of Day 6 Live Session

  • 08

    Day 7 (22 Jul, Fri): Expectation Management & Negotiation Skills

    • The Day 7 Summary

    • Task 1: Expectation Management

    • Task 2: Negotiation Skills

    • Task 3: Teamwork

    • [LIVE] Expectation Management - Negotiation Skills - Team Work (Meeting Passcode 315807)

    • Feedback Day 7

    • Recording of Day 7 Live Session

  • 09

    Day 8 (28 Jul, Thu): Industrial Partnership

    • The Day 8 Summary

    • Task 1: Report Writing

    • Task 2: Industrial Partnerships

    • Task 3: Presentation Skills

    • Further Reading on Industrial Partnership 1:Link and Match Technical and Vocational Education and Training with Industry Needs in Indonesia ( Atlantis Press , 2020)

    • Further Reading on Industrial Partnership 2: Eight Insights for Pioneering New Approaches ( European Union, 2020)

    • Further Reading on Industrial Partnership 3: Business Cooperating with Vocational Education and Training Providers for Quality Skills and Attractive Futures ( European Commission, 2017)

    • [LIVE] Industrial Partnership (Meeting Passcode: 951246)

    • Feedback to Day 4 - 8

    • Presentation Day 8

    • Recording of Day 8 Live Session

  • 10

    Day 9 (29 Jul, Fri): Skills for Existing & Future Workforce Requirements & Job Mapping for i4.0

    • The Day 9 Summary

    • [LIVE] Occupational Skills Standard and Curriculum Development (Meeting Passcode: 201715)

    • Task 1: Occupational Skills Standard

    • Task 2: Future Workforce Requirements

    • Presentation Slides Day 9 - Skills for Future Workforce & Job Mapping

    • Recording of Day 9 Live Session

  • 11

    Things To Do for Onsite Training Preparation 8-12 Aug 2022

    • 1. Writing Problem Statement

    • 2. Review of Digital Technologies Needs Assessment

    • 3. Review of DX Framework and Requirements

    • 4. Write or Think of a Vision statement for your organizational DX Roadmap

  • 12

    On-site Training (8-12 August)

    • [LIVE] Hybrid Training on Advisory Skills during 8-12 August 2022 (Passcode: 225912)

    • Day 1-1: Review and Refinement of Problem Statement

    • Day 1-2: Digital Needs Assessment - Clustering of Questionnaires

    • Listening Skills

    • Demonstrate Human Skills in your Presentation

    • Compilation of Strength and Limitation of Digital Learning Platforms

    • Sample of DACUM Chart for Career Related Teachers

    • Draft DACUM Chart for Digital Education Teacher

    • Profile of Digital Education Teacher

    • DX Roadmap Presentation 11-12 Aug 2022

    • Template for Strategic Goals and Action Plan

    • Preparation for DX Roadmap Presentation Slides 10-11 Aug 2022

    • What the Stakeholders will assess your DX Roadmap

    • Organizational DX Roadmap Presentation 11-12 Aug 2022

  • 13

    Reflection for Onsite Training 8-12 Aug 2022

    • Reflection Day 1 (08 Aug 2022)

    • Reflection Day 2 (09 Aug 2022)

  • 14

    Course Evaluation

    • Your feedback is valuable...


Mr. Konrad De Bortoli is a freelance senior trainer, moderator, and advisor with a focus on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET). He has more than 25 years of professional experience in international development cooperation in various countries in Asia and Africa.

Mr. Konrad holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Wales and a certificate in Organizational Development from Alwart & Team Hamburg.

Along with professional experience in TVET, he is also a Master Craftsman in Cabinet and Furniture Making, certified by Handwerkskammer Düsseldorf, with long-term work experience in management positions in development projects abroad and as chief executive officer of a small furniture company in Germany.

Mr. Konrad possesses distinct intercultural competencies as well as a strong team spirit. He is a flexible, solution oriented, creative, and humorous trainer and facilitator.

Konrad De Bortoli



Ngan Cheng Hwa has worked for the German-Malaysian Institute (GMI) a premium technical education & vocational training (TEVT) institution for 27 years (1994-2021) and he was the former Deputy Managing Director for Education & Training.

Ngan earned both his Master of Education (Technical Education & Vocational Training and Bachelor of Technology with Education (Electrical Engineering) from the University Technology of Malaysia.

Ngan has worked as an expert/senior consultant, and learning facilitator since 2021 for the Regional Cooperation Programme for the Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in ASEAN (RECOTVET), GIZ on Professional Development Training for TVET Teachers In Industry 4.0, Advisory Skills for Change Agents in Digital Transformation and Hybrid Regional Master Trainer Training & Upskilling.

Although he enjoys teaching, he is also a TEVT expert and practitioner primarily in the areas of curriculum development, teacher training, and blended learning methodology for student-centred learning incorporating problem-project-production based learning for the development of holistic TEVT graduates with 21st-century skills.

Ngan Cheng Hwa

Senior Consultant/Learning Facilitator
