Course curriculum

  • 01

    Live Lesson & Daily Attendance

    • Live Lesson

    • Daily Attendance

  • 02

    Welcome to the Course!

    • Course Outline

    • Course Schedule

    • List of Participants

  • 03

    Course Module

    • Course Outline competency based curriculum development

    • Module 1 - Curriculum Development - An Overview

    • Module 2- The Concept of Competency

    • Module 3- Identifying Competencies via Functional Analysis

    • Module 4 Developing Competency Standards

    • Module 5 Integrating Industry Competencies in the curriculum using ADDIE process

    • Module 6 Developing the Learning Strategy

    • A glossary of curriculum-related terms - Group Task - matching - page 1

    • A glossary of curriculum-related terms - Group Task - matching - page 2

    • Group Task - A Metaphor for Curriculum

    • ANSWER - A Glossy of curriculum - related term - Group Task

  • 04

    Reading Material

    • Learning Models (1)

    • EJ1082900 - Competency-based Curriculum An Effective Approach to Digital Curation Education (1)

    • UNESCO IBE Training Tools for Curiculum Development (Resource Pack) 2017_eng (very useful for you) (1)

  • 05

    Course Evaluation

    • Instructor and Content Delivery

    • Online Facility, General Satisfaction, Comments and Suggestions

  • 06

    Submission of Group Assignment

    • A glossary of curriculum-related terms - Group Task - matching - page 1

    • A glossary of curriculum-related terms - Group Task - matching - page 2

    • Group Task - A Metaphor for Curriculum

  • 07

    Submission of Individual Assignment

    • Understanding-by-Design (Article for Individual Assignment)

    • Questions on UbD article - Individual Assignment Tasksheet

  • 08

    Final Output

    • Links to the files