Course curriculum

  • 01

    Live Lesson and Daily Attendance

    • Live Lesson

    • Daily Attendance

  • 02

    Welcome to the Course!

    • Director Message

    • Course Detail

    • List of Participants

    • 01- Course Overview

    • 02-The importance of research for TVET managers and teachers

    • 03- Overview of different types of research

    • 04- Process of improving TVET programmes, curriculum, and teaching-learning through research

    • Research Proposal Guidelines

    • Action Plan Template

    • 05-Types of survey and experimental research

    • 06-Data collection tools, sampling, and scale of measurement

    • 07-Overview of descriptive and inferential statistics

    • 08-Selection of quantitative data analyses

    • 09-Overview of Data Analysis using MS Excel

    • 10-Overview of data analysis using SPSS

    • Data for practice

    • 11-Interpretation of Findings from Quantitative Data Analyses

    • 12-How to read and make use of research reports

    • Example 1 of quantitative research reports

    • Example 2 of quantitative research report

  • 03

    Country Reports

    • Country Report Upload

    • Brunei Darussalam - Hj Zul Fakhari bin Muksin

    • Brunei Darussalam - IBTE & JSS

    • Cambodia Country Report

    • Malaysia Country Report

    • Myanmar Country Report

    • Philippines Country Report

    • Singapore Country Report

    • Lao PDR Country Report

    • Thailand Country Report

    • Vietnam Country Report

  • 04

    Output and Action Plan

    • Action Plan

    • Student Enrollment in Cambodia TVET

  • 05

    Course Evaluation

    • Instructor and Content Delivery

    • Online Facility, General Satisfaction, Comments and Suggestions

  • 06


    • Reading Statistics and Research-6th Edition