
The Hybrid Regional Upskilling Training for Master Trainers (Module 2)

  • Didactical Approaches

    Blended/Hybrid learning and learner-centred appraches.

  • Format and Schedules

    This module is part of the 67-hour Hybrid Upskilling Training for Master Trainers: Online Training (A combination of self-paced learning and live sessions with facilitators) on 29 May - 12 June 2023 and On-site Training in Incheon, South Korea on 19-24 June 2023.

  • Target Groups

    Certified Master Trainers in ASEAN countries who are in the position to promote and implement In-company Trainer trainings in their countries.

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to the Hybrid Upskilling Training for Master Trainers

    • Introduction

    • Thanks to our Partners

    • Training Formats & Schedules

  • 02

    Module 2: Future Roles of In-Company Trainers

    • Learning Outcomes

    • Before we start our Live session.......

    • Further Reading

  • 03

    Day 4 (5 June) Module 2: Future Roles of In-Company Tainers

    • Day 4 Live Session (5 June)

    • Day 4 Recording


Instructor Bio:

Mr. Konrad De Bortoli is a freelance senior trainer, moderator, and advisor with a focus on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET). He has more than 25 years of professional experience in international development cooperation in various countries in Asia and Africa.

Mr. Konrad holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Wales and a certificate in Organizational Development from Alwart & Team Hamburg.

Along with professional experience in TVET, he is also a Master Craftsman in Cabinet and Furniture Making, certified by Handwerkskammer Düsseldorf, with long-term work experience in management positions in development projects abroad and as chief executive officer of a small furniture company in Germany.

Mr. Konrad possesses distinct intercultural competencies as well as a strong team spirit. He is a flexible, solution oriented, creative, and humorous trainer and facilitator.

Konrad De Bortoli



Instructor Bio:

Ngan Cheng Hwa has worked for the German-Malaysian Institute (GMI) a premium technical education & vocational training (TEVT) institution for 27 years (1994-2021) and he was the former Deputy Managing Director for Education & Training.

Ngan earned both his Master of Education (Technical Education & Vocational Training and Bachelor of Technology with Education (Electrical Engineering) from the University Technology of Malaysia.

Ngan has worked as an expert/senior consultant, and learning facilitator since 2021 for the Regional Cooperation Programme for the Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in ASEAN (RECOTVET), GIZ on Professional Development Training for TVET Teachers In Industry 4.0, Advisory Skills for Change Agents in Digital Transformation and Hybrid Regional Master Trainer Training & Upskilling.

Although he enjoys teaching, he is also a TEVT expert and practitioner primarily in the areas of curriculum development, teacher training, and blended learning methodology for student-centred learning incorporating problem-project-production based learning for the development of holistic TEVT graduates with 21st-century skills.

Ngan Cheng Hwa

Senior Consultant/Learning Facilitator