Course curriculum

  • 01

    Live Lesson and Daily Attendance

    • Online Netiquette

    • Live Lesson

    • Daily Attendance

  • 02

    Welcome to the Course!

    • Programme Overview

    • Course Detail

    • List of Participants

    • Schedule

    • Information note and programme

  • 03


    • M1 - Introduction - Learner or Student-Centred Teaching & Learning

    • M1 - Definitions of SCTL

    • M1 - Learner-Centred Teaching Checklist

    • M1 - Self Audit 1 - Designing Learning Experiences

    • M1 - Self Audit 2 - knowledge and Understanding of Subject Matter

    • M1 - Self Audit #A- Strategies for Facilitating Learning

    • M2 - SCTL Methodologies and Techniques FINAL

    • M3 - Lesson Planning for SCTL

    • M3 - Lesson Plan Format

    • M4 - Development of SCTL Resources FINAL

    • M5 - Evaluation Techniques

    • M6 - Preparing for Group Presentation

    • M6 - Lesson Plan Format

    • M6 - Lesson Plan Assessment Form

  • 04

    Group Work Submission

    • Group 1

    • Group 2

    • Group 3

    • Group 4

    • Group 5

    • Group 6

    • Group 7

  • 05

    Course Evaluation

    • Instructor and Content Delivery

    • Facility, General Satisfaction, Comments and Suggestions