Course curriculum

  • 01

    Live Lesson & Daily Attendance

    • Live Lesson

    • Daily Attendance

  • 02

    Welcome to the Course!

    • Course Detail

    • List of participants

    • Course Schedule

    • 01- Course Overview

    • Module 1-Benefits of measuring the results of training

    • Module 2-ROTI model and process

    • Module 3- Developing training objectives

    • Exercise for Module 2

    • Mentimeter pooling for Course overview and Module 1

    • Module 4a-Data Collection During Training

    • 4b-Data Collection After Training

    • Module 4c-Isolating the Impact of Training

    • Module 5-Converting Data to Monetary Values

    • Module 6-Identifying Cost and Benefit

    • Exercise for Costs and benefits

    • Module 7- Identifying Intangible Benefits

    • Module 8-Calculating ROTI

    • Module 9-Generate an Impact Study

    • Template for Impact Study Report

  • 03

    Course Evaluation

    • Instructor and Content Delivery

    • Online Facility, General Satisfaction, Comments and Suggestions

  • 04

    Work Upload

    • Work Upload for Module 2

    • Group work on Impact Study Report