Industrial Revolution, Digitalisation, Disruption and Employment
Fit for Industry 4.0 - Module 1
[LIVE] Module 1 Industrial Revolution, Digitalisation, Disruption and Employment | Meeting Password 192418
Day1: Welcome and Introduction M 1 Agenda Rules
Day 1 - 3: Coaching Schedule
Day 1 - 3: Coaching Rules
Day 1 - Welcome SAMPLE Agenda Video
Day 1: Introduction I4.0 Development (Welcome) Video
Day 1: 1.1 Assignment - Start I: Key Issues - Explanation
Day 1: 1.1 Assignment - Tasks as pdf
Day 1: 1.1 Assignment Video mp4 - Start I
Day 1: 1.2 Paradigm Change - mp4 Presentation
Day 1: 1.2a Paradigm Change - Paper
Day 1: 1.2 Assignment-Start II, pdf: Paradigm Change
Day 1: 1.2 Assignment - Start II, mp4: Paradigm Change
Day 1: 1.3 Change of Work, Disruption
Day 1: 1.4 Jobs Lost
Day 1: 1.4a Job Losers
Day 1: 1.4b Future of Asean Jobs
Day 1: 1.4c Jobs Country Overview
Day 1: 1.4 Assignment 1 - Explanation
Day 1: 1.4 Assignment 1 pdf
Day 1: 1.4 Assignment 1 - mp4
Day 1: Coaching I (1:00 pm to 2.00 pm) and Coaching II (4:30 pm to 5:30 pm)
[LIVE] Module 1 Industrial Revolution, Digitalisation, Disruption and Employment | Meeting Password 192418
Day 2: 2.1 Lean Economy / Production mp4
Day 2: 2.2a Where Machines Could Replace pdf
Day 2: 2.2 Assignment 2 - Explanation
Day 2: 2.2b Automation Video
Day 2: 2.2 Assignment 2 pdf
Day 2: 2.3 Smart Factories mp4
Day 2: 2.5 Terms pdf
day 2: 2.4 Roadmap mp4
Day 2: 2.5 Assignment 3 - Explanation
Day 2: 2.6 I03-I04-I05 mp4
Day 2: 2.5 Assignment 3 - Used Terms pdf
Day 2: 2.6 Assignment 4 - Explanation
Day 2: 2.6 Assignment 4 I03-I04-I05 pdf
Day 2: Coaching III (12:30 pm to 1:30 pm) and Coaching IV (4:30 pm to 5:30 pm)
[LIVE] Module 1 Industrial Revolution, Digitalisation, Disruption, and Employment | Meeting Password 192418
Day 3: 3.7 Future Development siemens mp4
Day 3: 3.7 Future Development pdf
Day 3: 3.8 Embedded Systems mp4
Day 3: 3.8 Assignment 5 - Explanation Emb. Systems
Day 3: 3.10 Green Production mp4
Day 3: 3.9 Assignment 5 Production Planning pdf
Day 3: 3.10 Assignment 6 - Explanation - Green Production
Day 3: 3.10 Assignment 6 pdf
Day 3: Coaching V (12:30 pm to 1.30 pm) and Coaching VI (4.30 pm to 5:30 pm)
[LIVE] Coaching Session on 30 July 2022, 12.30 - 1.30 PM and 4.30 - 5.30 PM, Bangkok time | Meeting Password 192418
Your feedback is valuable.
Evaluation of Module 1
These multi-didactical approaches will be integrated in all training deliveries. At the end of the training, the participants will be able to
analyse and interpret the paradigm changes (disruption) happening in industry because of the implementation of digitalisation and i4.0,
elaborate the economic goal behind i4.0,
analyse what lean production means and what the advantages are for the organization of manufacturing on the shopfloor,
describe the changes of work at the shop-floor level and consequences for employment and competence development,
make use of soft skills needed for a digitalized world, especially competence in networking and communication,
demonstrate examples of green technology which uses digitalization,
• assess students’ performance in the era of a digitalized world.
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