Professional Development Training for TVET Teachers in Industry 4.0
Fit for Industry 4.0 - Module 2
Learner-centered methods
Self-reliant learning
Project-based learning
Problem-based learning
Automation Park Study Visit
Group Work and Discussion
10-days of training
1-5 August 2022 (Online)
15-19 August 2022 (On-site), Thailand
TVET educators/teachers/instructors/ trainers as well as managers with relevant technical background in industrial automation, mechatronics, or automation with specific technical knowledge and skills preferred
Attendance of Module 0 is mandatory, and Module 1 is preferred,
TVET educators/teachers/instructors/trainers as well as managers with relevant technical background
At least 2 to 3 years of working experience in technical & vocational education and training or industry, preferably in the field of engineering
Good command of English (good or excellent)
Potential to become a multiplier who conducts national trainings upon the completion of training module
Background in industrial automation, mechatronics or automation with specific technical knowledge and skills as stipulated
Basic teaching skills in TVET with high level of innovation in didactical approaches
Processing the following knowledge and skills will be added an advantage: Sensors and Actuators, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Human-Machine Interface (HMI), BUS technologies, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near Field Communication (NFC)
Welcome to Module 2: Professional Development Training for TVET Teachers in Industry 4.0
Module Structure
The changes in the industry and what about TVET?
PBL 1: The Game Changer for i4.0 in Learning & Teaching
Self-Study with FESTO LX: Introduction to Industry 4.0
[LIVE] Welcome & Introduction Module 2 Professional Development for TVET Teachers in Industry 4.0 | Meeting Password 697544
The Summary of Day 1 ( 1 Aug 2022)
PBL 1: Group Work Discussion and Preparation for Presentation
PBL 1 - Group Name List & Presentation Schedule
Self-Study with FESTO LX: Introduction to Industry 4.0
The Overview of Smart Factory
Lecture Notes: Overview of TGI Smart Factory
Lecture Notes: Component & CPS Level in Smart Factory
Lecture Notes: Overview of Industrial Smart Sensors
Refresher/Recall of Knowledge on Automation Requirements - Watching Videos
Video 1: Automation System
Video 2: Communication Protocol and DCS
Video 3: Field Equipment
Video 4: PLC Control
Video 5: IoT Technology 1
Video 6: IoT Technology 2
Video 7: Smart Factory at Thai German Institute Episode 1 (Overview)
Video 8: Smart Factory at Thai German Institute Episode 2(Component)
The Summary of Day 2 (2 Aug 2022)
[LIVE] Day 2 (2 Aug) - ERP, Blockchain, Cloud, Big data, & AI and SCADA | Meeting Password 697544
Virtual Learning Reflection Day 1
Assignment 2.1-2.1 TGI
Assignment 2.1-2.2 TGI
Festo LX Blockchain - Explained 5 minutes
Basic ERP
Blockchain, Cloud, Big data and AI
PBL 2 - The Need of Visualization for The Processes Optimization
Resources for PBL
The Summary of Day 3 (3 Aug 2022)
[LIVE] Day 3 (3 Aug) - Participants Presentation SCADA | Meeting Password 697544
Virtual Learning Reflection Day 2
Assignment PBL 2 Group Presentation SCADA
Download Software SCADA
Live Demonstration for How to hardware configuration SCADA system
VDO SCADA Demonstration
Assignment 2.2 - 2.1 TGI
The Summary of Day 4 (4 Aug 2022)
[LIVE] Day 4 (4 Aug) - Energy Efficiency | Meeting Password 697544
Virtual Learning Reflection Day 3
PBL 3 - " What a Waste with Legacy"
PBL 3 Group Work and Presentation Schedule
Self-Study with FESTO LX - Energy Efficiency
The Day 5 Summary (5 Aug 2022)
[LIVE] Day 5 (5 Aug) - Energy Efficiency | Meeting Password 697544
Virtual Learning Reflection Day 4
PBL 3 - Presentation Schedule
PBL 1 - Presentation Schedule
PBL 1 Presentation and Assessment
PBL 4 - "I want this..."
PBL 4 Group Work Name List and Presentation Schedule
Submission PBL 1
Submission PBL 2
Submission PBL 3
Submission PBL 4
Self-Study with FESTO LX: Fundamental Principles of Smart Sensors
Self-Study with FESTO LX: Process Automation
Self Study with Power point of PLC Programming Unit 01
Self Study with Power point of PLC Programming Unit 02
Self Study with Power point of PLC Programming Unit 03
Self Study with FESTO LX: Basic of PLC Programming
Self-Study with FESTO LX: Basics of RFID Technology
Before you go...
Mr. Ngan Cheng Hwa: Instructor and Content Delivery
Mr. Phoemsak Suksiri: Instructor and Content Delivery
Online Facility, General Satisfaction, Comments and Suggestions
Day 1 (1 Aug 2022)
Day 2 (2 Aug 2022)
Day 3 (3 Aug 2022)
Day 4 (4 Aug 2022)
Day 5
Training Schedule 15-19 Aug 2022
Reflection Day 1-15 Aug 2022
Reflection Day 2-16 Aug 2022
Reflection Day 3-17 Aug 2022
Reflection Day 4-18 Aug 2022
Self-Study with VDO : TGI Smart Factory EP1 ( Eng )
Self-Study with VDO : TGI Smart Factory EP2 ( Eng )
Lecture Notes : Intelligent sensor in Smart Factory
Live & Video Demonstration on Sensor used in the Smart factory at TGI
PBL5 : Problem statement – Sensors Assignment 2.2-1.1
Group Presentation on Flip chart ( 5 Min / Group )
Assignment 2.2 - 1.2 Sensor Technology
Lecture Notes : How to wiring sensor to PLC
Assignment 2.2 - 1.3 Sensor wiring to PLC
Lecture (Summarization) Unit 01 PLC_Introduction S7-1200
Lecture (Summarization) Unit 2 PLC_Number System _ Database
Lecture (Summarization) Unit 3 PLC Basic Component S7-1200
Demonstration & Practical – wiring of hardware components to PLC
Lecture Note : Unit 4 PLC_Using TIA Software
Assignment 2.2-2.1: Input / Output position determination of the Conveyor material handling unit
PLC S7 1200 Hardware configuration
Assignment 2.2 - 2.2 Hardware and Software Configuration
Demonstration & Practical: Create program via basic function & command to PLC & Simulation
Assignment 2.2 - 2.3 On Off Signal
Assignment 2.2 - 2.4 Start Stop Control
Assignment 2.2 - 2.5 Conveyor Control System
Lecture Note : Presentation IOT System
Assignment 3.1 IoT Operation : In 3 Workshop
Assignment 3.2 : Benefits and advanteages of IoT in your country
Lecture Note : Presentation RFID Technology
Lecture Note : Presentation MES System on EEC Automation Park
Problem Based Learning - “Making Legacy Alive”
Presentation Schedule - "Making Legacy Alive"
Submission of "Making Legacy Alive"
Group Presentation Slides - "Making Legacy Alive"
Basic i4.0 Basic Student Learning Project Proposal
Presentation Slides - Basic i4.0 Student Learning Project
Presentation and Assessment Schedule for Basic i4.0 Student Learning Project Proposal
Related/Further Reading Materials
Basic i4.0 Student Learning Project Proposal Presentation Assessment
Factory IO Simulation Download Link
Your feedback is valuable...
Mr. Ngan Cheng Hwa: Instructor and Content Delivery
Thai-German Institute: Instructor and Content Delivery
Online and On-site Training and Collaboration, General Satisfaction, Comments and Suggestions
At the end of the training, the participants will be able to:
Analyze information from intelligent sensors and components
Program the operation of a station using Programmable Logic Controllers and Human-Machine Interface
Explain the flow of material (RFID and NFC), the flow of information in digitalized technology, and the new level of software-based communication between the Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things
Monitor operations using supervisory control and data acquisition
Evaluate process data for optimizing systems efficiency
Identify the design structure of Industry 4.0 factories
Apply Manufacturing Execution Systems simulation
Explain the customization processes of products
Introduce modern didactical approaches within teaching of Industry 4.0
Plan learning units in the context of Industry 4.0
Ngan Cheng Hwa has worked for the German-Malaysian Institute (GMI) a premium technical education & vocational training (TEVT) institution for 27 years (1994-2021) and he was the former Deputy Managing Director for Education & Training.
Ngan earned both his Master of Education (Technical Education & Vocational Training and Bachelor of Technology with Education (Electrical Engineering) from the University Technology of Malaysia.
Ngan has worked as an expert/senior consultant, and learning facilitator since 2021 for the Regional Cooperation Programme for the Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in ASEAN (RECOTVET), GIZ on Professional Development Training for TVET Teachers In Industry 4.0, Advisory Skills for Change Agents in Digital Transformation and Hybrid Regional Master Trainer Training & Upskilling.
Although he enjoys teaching, he is also a TEVT expert and practitioner primarily in the areas of curriculum development, teacher training, and blended learning methodology for student-centred learning incorporating problem-project-production based learning for the development of holistic TEVT graduates with 21st-century skills.
Ngan Cheng Hwa
Senior Consultant/Learning Facilitator