
The learning materials or topics are designed to  cover from the introduction to electrical fundamentals,  instruments and meters, electrical components, power  supplies, etc. It also goes onto developing the students’  knowledge and skills leading to more advanced or  practical studies such as residential and commercial  wiring systems, electrical machines and their controls,  electrical protection systems, etc. 

Program Outline

In this four (4) day training, the program will cover the following topics:

  • Pre and Post-Test Surveys

  • Digital TVET Framework and What is Virtual TVET

  • Understanding how to Adapt and Adopt Blended Learning

  • How to use a TVET LMS and Deliver Competency-Based Training

  • TVET LMS Reporting and Analytics

  • Understand the Technical Operation and Troubleshooting of New Modern Training Systems

  • How to incorporate Lesson Plans using Virtual TVET

  • Ongoing Professional Development

  • Certificates of Completion Certified by Worlddidac

Overview of Program Schedule

The program will be conducted in Synchronous mode of learning. The training program will be conducted for 4 hours per day for 4 days. The online session is estimated to have a total of 16 hrs. (inclusive of in-between sessions break). Also included is 6- months subscription to all the Automotive courses on the CPSC-Labtech Academy TVET Learning Management System (LMS).

Day 1 – Online session of 4hrs
Day 2 – Online session of 4hrs
Day 3 – Online session of 4hrs
Day 4 – Online session of 4hrs